A poem for Imbolc

Imbolc is a time when nature is deep into Winter with
the first stirrings of Spring appearing. This poem, Dreaming,
is a tree-grok poem of this time of the year from the point
of view of the trees around us.

Shooting Star

Dreaming – Winter – Imbolc

winter is long – our dreams refresh us

slumber we do and softly we snore

some can hear us – special they are

sap slows and thickens for the season to come

with imbolc we rest

and dream of our feathered friends

we feel the warm sun on our bark

we dream the warm rains of spring

thick snows clothe us

forest totems we have become

winter winds whip through our branches

the sound whistling in our dreams

our dreams refresh us

and restore us for the season to come

we dream of future bounty

ready we are for spring